Customer Journey Map Template

The Customer Journey Map (CJM) template enables product managers to comprehensively visualize and analyze the user's experience with a product or service from first contact through to post-purchase. By identifying critical touchpoints, key interactions, and emotional phases, it aids in recognizing pain points and opportunities for improvement. The CJM fosters a deep, customer-centric perspective, supporting data-driven decisions for product enhancements and customer satisfaction.

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What is a Customer Journey Map?

A Customer Journey Map is a visual representation of a customer's experience with your product or service. From initial discovery to various touchpoints and engagements, a well-constructed Customer Journey Map provides deep insights into customer behavior, underlying motivations, and areas for potential improvement. Strategic use of this tool can lead to heightened customer satisfaction, improved retention, and overall business growth.

This Customer Journey Map template is meticulously designed to guide product managers through the intricate process of mapping out user interactions, emotions, pain points, and opportunities for enhancement. Through clear steps and detailed guidelines, this template empowers you to comprehensively analyze your customer's journey and enact strategic improvements that enhance the user experience and drive product success.

Leveraging this template, you can identify specific areas where your product may fall short or exceed customer expectations, thus providing actionable insights into development priorities. By systematically addressing customer pain points and optimizing touchpoints, you can create a seamless and engaging user experience, which not only boosts satisfaction but also fosters loyalty and advocacy.

When to use a Customer Journey Map:

  • When you need a comprehensive analysis of customer pain points and satisfaction drivers across their entire journey.

  • Early in product development to ensure alignment between features and actual customer needs.

  • To identify opportunities for process improvements or innovation that enhance the customer experience.

  • For fostering cross-functional alignment and creating a shared understanding of the customer journey.

  • During strategic planning sessions aimed at boosting customer engagement and retention.

  • To track and analyze shifts in customer interactions post significant changes in your product or service.

  • When looking to improve customer onboarding and reduce churn through carefully targeted interventions.

The Template

You can copy and paste this Customer Journey Map template to create your own, or use ChatPRD to generate it with AI.

Customer Journey Map

Author:Your Name Here

Customer Persona

This section develops a detailed profile of the primary customer for whom you are optimizing the journey. It includes demographic details, behavioral patterns, needs, and goals. A deep understanding of customer personas is essential to ensure the journey map remains customer-centric. Multiple customer personas may be created, each with an individual journey map.


Capture basic demographic information such as age, gender, occupation, location, and income level. These details provide a foundational understanding of your customer persona, helping you segment and target effectively.


Examine the behavioral patterns of your customer persona, including buying habits, brand preferences, and digital behavior. Understanding these behaviors allows you to predict future actions and tailor your marketing and engagement strategies.

Needs and Goals

Identify and articulate the needs and goals of your customer persona. Understand why they are using your product or service and what they aim to achieve, which provides direction for product development and customer support.


List the challenges and pain points your customer persona faces. Knowing their obstacles helps prioritize features and solutions that alleviate these issues.

Preferred Communication Channels

Determine which communication channels your customer persona prefers and frequently uses. This ensures that your engagement strategies are aligned with their preferences and habits.

Customer Journey Stages

This section delineates the different stages of the customer's journey, which typically include awareness, consideration, decision, retention, and advocacy. Each stage should capture customer actions, feelings, touchpoints, and channels used, providing a comprehensive overview of the journey.

Awareness Stage

Detail the customer’s actions, emotions, touchpoints, and channels in the awareness stage. This stage represents when they first discover your product or service.

Consideration Stage

Outline the customer’s actions, emotions, touchpoints, and channels in the consideration stage. This is when they compare your product or service against alternatives.

Decision Stage

Describe the customer’s actions, emotions, touchpoints, and channels in the decision stage. This stage involves making the final purchase decision.

Retention Stage

Explain the customer’s actions, emotions, touchpoints, and channels in the retention stage. This stage is about continued engagement and usage of your product or service.

Advocacy Stage

Illustrate the customer’s actions, emotions, touchpoints, and channels in the advocacy stage. This is when they actively promote your product or service to others, often through reviews or word-of-mouth.

Opportunities for Improvement

Identify and document opportunities for improvement discovered during the journey mapping process. This should include pain points, unmet needs, and potential areas for innovation, which will inform future product enhancements and strategic initiatives.

Pain Points

Identify and prioritize specific pain points that customers encounter throughout their journey. Addressing these pain points can lead to significant improvements in customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Unmet Needs

Recognize and list needs that are currently not addressed by your product or service. Meeting these needs can open up new opportunities for differentiation and growth.

Innovation Areas

Pinpoint areas where introducing new features, services, or processes could enhance the customer journey. Innovation is critical to staying competitive and meeting evolving customer expectations.

Efficiency Improvements

Identify areas where processes or systems can be made more efficient. Streamlined operations can enhance the customer experience and reduce costs.

Customer Feedback Integration

Describe how customer feedback will be systematically collected and integrated into your improvement process. Regular feedback loops ensure that the product evolves in line with customer needs.

Action Plan

Develop a detailed action plan based on insights gathered from the journey map. This plan should include new initiatives, pilot programs, and product improvements aimed at enhancing the customer experience and achieving strategic goals.

New Initiatives

Detail new initiatives designed to address insights and opportunities uncovered through the customer journey mapping process. These initiatives should be actionable and aligned with overall business goals.

Pilot Programs

Describe pilot programs intended to test new ideas or improvements on a small scale before executing a full-scale rollout. Pilot programs allow for testing and iteration to ensure effectiveness.

Product Improvements

List specific product improvements aimed at enhancing the customer experience. These should be concrete changes that address identified pain points and unmet needs.

Timeline and Milestones

Outline a timeline for implementing new initiatives and product improvements. Set clear milestones to track progress and ensure accountability.

Resource Allocation

Detail the resources—both human and financial—required to execute the action plan. Proper resource allocation is critical to successful implementation.


Customer Journey Map

In the following example, we will demonstrate usage of this template for a fictional e-commerce company "Shoparoo."

Customer Journey Map

Customer Persona

This section develops a detailed profile of the primary customer for whom you are optimizing the journey. It includes demographic details, behavioral patterns, needs, and goals. A deep understanding of customer personas is essential to ensure the journey map remains customer-centric. Multiple customer personas may be created, each with an individual journey map.


Capture basic demographic information such as age, gender, occupation, location, and income level. These details provide a foundational understanding of your customer persona, helping you segment and target effectively.

  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Male
  • Occupation: IT Professional
  • Location: New York City
  • Income Level: $80,000 per year


Examine the behavioral patterns of your customer persona, including buying habits, brand preferences, and digital behavior. Understanding these behaviors allows you to predict future actions and tailor your marketing and engagement strategies.

  • Buying Habits: Frequently shops online, makes informed decisions based on reviews
  • Brand Preferences: Budget-conscious but prefers high-quality over well-known brands
  • Digital Behavior: Engages with tech forums, follows tech review channels, and is an early adopter of new technology

Needs and Goals

Identify and articulate the needs and goals of your customer persona. Understand why they are using your product or service and what they aim to achieve, which provides direction for product development and customer support.

  • Needs: Reliable one-stop shop for electronics, fast shipping, and easy returns
  • Goals: To have a convenient, trustworthy shopping experience with comprehensive product information and user reviews


List the challenges and pain points your customer persona faces. Knowing their obstacles helps prioritize features and solutions that alleviate these issues.

  • Challenges: Difficulty in navigating websites, skepticism about online product quality, and long delivery times

Preferred Communication Channels

Determine which communication channels your customer persona prefers and frequently uses. This ensures that your engagement strategies are aligned with their preferences and habits.

  • Channels: Email, social media, and customer support chat

Customer Journey Stages

This section delineates the different stages of the customer's journey, which typically include awareness, consideration, decision, retention, and advocacy. Each stage should capture customer actions, feelings, touchpoints, and channels used, providing a comprehensive overview of the journey.

Awareness Stage

Detail the customer’s actions, emotions, touchpoints, and channels in the awareness stage. This stage represents when they first discover your product or service.

  • Actions: Heard about Shoparoo on a tech podcast
  • Emotions: Curious
  • Touchpoints: Podcast advertisement
  • Channels: Tech podcast, word of mouth

Consideration Stage

Outline the customer’s actions, emotions, touchpoints, and channels in the consideration stage. This is when they compare your product or service against alternatives.

  • Actions: Visiting Shoparoo website, reading reviews, comparing prices
  • Emotions: Evaluative, slightly skeptical
  • Touchpoints: Website, review portals
  • Channels: Social media, online tech forums, review sites

Decision Stage

Describe the customer’s actions, emotions, touchpoints, and channels in the decision stage. This stage involves making the final purchase decision.

  • Actions: Choosing a product and making a purchase
  • Emotions: Optimistic, satisfied
  • Touchpoints: Shopping cart, payment page
  • Channels: Website, email confirmation, customer support

Retention Stage

Explain the customer’s actions, emotions, touchpoints, and channels in the retention stage. This stage is about continued engagement and usage of your product or service.

  • Actions: Receiving tracking updates, unboxing product
  • Emotions: Anticipatory, happy
  • Touchpoints: Email updates, product packaging
  • Channels: Company email notifications, delivery service

Advocacy Stage

Illustrate the customer’s actions, emotions, touchpoints, and channels in the advocacy stage. This is when they actively promote your product or service to others, often through reviews or word-of-mouth.

  • Actions: Recommending Shoparoo to friends
  • Emotions: Proud, helpful
  • Touchpoints: Word of mouth, social media
  • Channels: Personal social media accounts, tech forums

Opportunities for Improvement

Identify and document opportunities for improvement discovered during the journey mapping process. This should include pain points, unmet needs, and potential areas for innovation, which will inform future product enhancements and strategic initiatives.

Pain Points

Identify and prioritize specific pain points that customers encounter throughout their journey. Addressing these pain points can lead to significant improvements in customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Pain Points: Difficult website navigation, lack of detailed product descriptions

Unmet Needs

Recognize and list needs that are currently not addressed by your product or service. Meeting these needs can open up new opportunities for differentiation and growth.

  • Unmet Needs: Desire for a mobile app experience, increased need for customer support responsiveness

Innovation Areas

Pinpoint areas where introducing new features, services, or processes could enhance the customer journey. Innovation is critical to staying competitive and meeting evolving customer expectations.

  • Innovation Areas: Development of a mobile app, enhancing virtual try-before-you-buy features

Efficiency Improvements

Identify areas where processes or systems can be made more efficient. Streamlined operations can enhance the customer experience and reduce costs.

  • Efficiency Improvements: Improve website load time, streamline order processing

Customer Feedback Integration

Describe how customer feedback will be systematically collected and integrated into your improvement process. Regular feedback loops ensure that the product evolves in line with customer needs.

  • Customer Feedback Integration: Implement regular customer surveys, set up a feedback portal on the website

Action Plan

Develop a detailed action plan based on insights gathered from the journey map. This plan should include new initiatives, pilot programs, and product improvements aimed at enhancing the customer experience and achieving strategic goals.

New Initiatives

Detail new initiatives designed to address insights and opportunities uncovered through the customer journey mapping process. These initiatives should be actionable and aligned with overall business goals.

New Initiatives: Conduct UX study for website, launch a loyalty program to encourage repeat purchases

Pilot Programs

Describe pilot programs intended to test new ideas or improvements on a small scale before executing a full-scale rollout. Pilot programs allow for testing and iteration to ensure effectiveness.

Pilot Programs: Test a beta version of the mobile app with a select customer group, pilot a 24/7 customer support chatbot

Product Improvements

List specific product improvements aimed at enhancing the customer experience. These should be concrete changes that address identified pain points and unmet needs.

Product Improvements: Revamp website navigation based on user feedback, update product descriptions with detailed specifications and user reviews

Timeline and Milestones

Outline a timeline for implementing new initiatives and product improvements. Set clear milestones to track progress and ensure accountability.

Timeline: Initiatives and product improvements will be rolled out in phases over the next 6-12 months. Key milestones include initial UX study (Month 1-2), pilot testing of mobile app and chatbot (Month 3-4), full-scale rollout of loyalty program (Month 5-6), and continuous website improvements (Month 7-12).

Resource Allocation

Detail the resources—both human and financial—required to execute the action plan. Proper resource allocation is critical to successful implementation.

Resources: Allocating a cross-functional team including UX designers, mobile developers, customer service representatives, and marketing professionals. Budget allocation will be spread across pilot programs ($50,000), UX improvements ($30,000), and new initiatives like the loyalty program ($20,000).

Have ChatPRD generate a perfect Customer Journey Map for you

ChatPRD is a no-code AI tool that can generate product requirements documents, user stories, and more. Use this template with ChatPRD to create your own Customer Journey Map in minutes.

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