MVP Feature List Template

The MVP Feature List Template is a robust tool designed to help product managers define and prioritize the essential features for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This template ensures your product aligns with user needs and avoids unnecessary features, fostering focus and efficiency in development. Use it to clarify your product vision, align your team, and drive value-driven product growth. Ultimately, it helps improve user satisfaction and business results.

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What is a MVP Feature List?

Defining and prioritizing features for your product’s Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a critical step in the journey of successful product development. The MVP Feature List Template enables product managers to effectively determine the most essential features required to address core user needs while minimizing development efforts. This structured approach is instrumental in validating product assumptions early, minimizing risks, and accelerating time-to-market. Utilizing this template ensures a calculated, thoughtful approach to building your MVP, laying the groundwork for future enhancements.

Navigating the complexities of selecting which features to incorporate in your MVP can be daunting. Balancing necessary functionalities with potential overcomplications requires a strategic mindset and data-driven decisions. The MVP Feature List Template is designed to help you manage these complexities by providing a clear framework for incorporating user feedback, making informed trade-offs, and iterating quickly based on market demands. It is a practical tool that helps distill the essentials from the noise, allowing your team to focus on delivering impactful solutions.

The MVP Feature List Template stands out as more than a mere organizational tool—it is a strategic resource integral to your product development process. By adopting this template, your team is empowered to streamline development workflows, set clear priorities, and align on goals. This ensures your MVP not only meets but exceeds user expectations with the least amount of resource expenditure. Moreover, it sets a robust foundation for future iterations and scaling efforts, propelling your product toward sustainable success in the market.

When to use a MVP Feature List:

  • When initiating a new product development cycle to define core functionalities.

  • When launching an MVP to validate market demand and gather early user feedback.

  • When prioritizing features based on user needs, business goals, and technical feasibility.

  • When aligning with development teams to ensure a clear, focused feature set.

  • When identifying essential features for the earliest product release to balance scope and speed.

  • When minimizing risk by concentrating on critical, high-impact functionalities first.

  • When refining product offerings to align with strategic business objectives.

The Template

You can copy and paste this MVP Feature List template to create your own, or use ChatPRD to generate it with AI.

MVP Feature List

Author:Your Name Here

Feature Overview

This section provides a detailed overview of each key feature included in the MVP. The objective is to define every feature's purpose and value clearly and succinctly. This clarity ensures stakeholders understand the function and benefits of each feature. It's imperative for setting the foundation of the product's direction and helping the team focus on essential features.

Feature Name

Assign an intuitive and descriptive name to each feature. The name should clearly convey the primary function or benefit and be easily understood by all stakeholders, including developers, designers, and end-users. Aim for simplicity and clarity. Avoid ambiguous or overly technical terms that may cause confusion.

Feature Description

Provide a concise yet comprehensive explanation of what the feature does. Highlight its core functionality and describe how it will enhance the user's experience. Include the problem it solves, its key benefits, and any innovative aspects. This section should make it clear why the feature is essential for the MVP.

User Story

Include a user story to provide real-world context. This should outline who the user is, what they want to achieve with the feature, and why it is important to them. User stories help to keep features user-centric and ground the development process in real-world use cases. Ensure the story addresses the user's needs and pain points.

Acceptance Criteria

Specify the acceptance criteria for each feature. These are the conditions that must be met for the feature to be considered complete. Clear acceptance criteria ensure that the feature meets the intended requirements and functions correctly. Acceptance criteria should be measurable and testable, encompassing both functional and non-functional aspects.


Classify the feature's priority to determine its inclusion in the MVP. Use categories like High, Medium, or Low to indicate its criticality and how it fits into the overall product strategy. Clearly defined priorities guide resource allocation and help the team stay focused on delivering the most impactful features first.


List any dependencies that must be resolved for the feature to be developed and implemented. This includes dependencies on other features, resources, or external systems. Identifying dependencies early helps in planning and avoiding bottlenecks, ensuring a smoother development process.

Risks and Mitigations

Identify any potential risks associated with the feature and outline mitigation strategies. This can include technical challenges, resource constraints, or market uncertainties. Being proactive about risk management helps ensure successful feature delivery.

Priority Level

This section aids in the precise determination of each feature's relative importance, guiding resource allocation and decision-making. Categorizing features by priority ensures that the MVP delivers maximum value with available resources. Prioritization is essential for focusing efforts on the most impactful features, maintaining a balance between immediate needs and long-term goals.

High Priority

Identify essential features that are crucial for the MVP's success. These features are non-negotiable and must be included to fulfill the primary value proposition of the product. They address critical user needs and deliver significant value. High-priority features should be the primary focus of the development team early on.

Medium Priority

Highlight features that add substantial value but are not critical for the initial launch. While beneficial, these features can be slated for later iterations if necessary. Prioritize based on available resources and time constraints. Medium priority features should be well-documented to ensure they can be seamlessly integrated in future updates.

Low Priority

List features that enhance the user experience but are not required for the MVP. These low-priority features can be postponed to future releases, ensuring the focus remains on delivering core value within the MVP timeline. Low-priority features should not distract from the critical path but can be considered for enhancing future versions of the product.

RoI Analysis

Conduct a thorough Return on Investment (RoI) analysis for each feature. Understanding the expected benefits versus development costs helps in making informed prioritization decisions. This assessment aids in optimizing resource allocation for maximum impact. Make sure to consider both short-term gains and long-term strategic value in your analysis.


Identify any dependencies that influence the prioritization of features. Dependencies may include other features, team availability, or external factors that impact development timelines and resource requirements. Clear understanding of dependencies helps in realistic planning and execution.

Stakeholder Input

Gather and incorporate input from all relevant stakeholders. Their perspectives can provide valuable insights into the prioritization process, ensuring that the most impactful features are addressed first. Regularly update and communicate the priority list to stakeholders to maintain alignment and transparency.


MVP Feature List

Here, we present a hypothetical application of the MVP Feature List Template for a 'Smart Home App'. The contents offer comprehensive insight into the planning stages, showcasing how the feature list can guide MVP development.

MVP Feature List

Feature Overview

1. User Authentication

Feature Name: User Authentication

Feature Description: A biometrically-enabled secure gateway allowing users to confidently log into the app. This feature is paramount to enhancing appropriate data handling, ensuring user privacy, and building overall trust between the user and the application.

User Story: As a new user concerned about app security, I want to log in using biometric authentication so that I feel confident my data is protected, and I can access the app swiftly and securely.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The system must recognize and validate fingerprints and facial recognition.
  • Must integrate with major biometric APIs on iOS and Android.
  • Should have backup authentication using PIN in case biometric fails.
  • Successful and unsuccessful login attempts must be logged appropriately.

Priority: High


  • Integration with biometric authentication APIs.
  • Support for fallback PIN authentication.
  • User data encryption modules.

Risks and Mitigations:

  • Risk: Biometric failures might prevent access. Mitigation: Implement reliable backup PIN authentication.
  • Risk: API updates might affect functionality. Mitigation: Regularly monitor and update APIs.

2. Device Integration

Feature Name: Device Integration

Feature Description: A seamless integration element that connects the app with a range of third-party smart home devices. This feature enriches the user experience by providing centralized control over all smart home elements through a single application.

User Story: As a user with multiple smart home devices, I want to control all of them through a single app so that I have a streamlined and efficient smart home experience.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Must support integration with major smart home device brands (e.g., Nest, Philips Hue, Samsung SmartThings).
  • Should allow adding, removing, and managing various smart devices through the app.
  • Must support real-time status monitoring of connected devices.

Priority: High


  • Partnerships with smart home device manufacturers.
  • APIs and SDKs for third-party device integration.
  • Real-time data handling capabilities.

Risks and Mitigations:

  • Risk: Device compatibility issues. Mitigation: Extensive testing with major device brands.
  • Risk: Delays in API updates. Mitigation: Maintain close relationship with device manufacturers for timely updates.

3. Interface Personalization

Feature Name: Interface Personalization

Feature Description: Customizable interface options that allow users to personalize their app experience according to their preferences, enhancing the overall usability and satisfaction.

User Story: As a user who values personalized experiences, I want to customize the app’s interface so that it aligns with my personal preferences and improves my user experience.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Must allow users to change app themes (light/dark mode).
  • Should support customizable dashboard layouts.
  • Must provide options to localize the app in multiple languages.

Priority: Medium


  • Development of customizable UI components.
  • Multi-language support and localization services.
  • User preference data management.

Risks and Mitigations:

  • Risk: Complexity in managing multiple themes. Mitigation: Implement a robust theming architecture.
  • Risk: Localization inaccuracies. Mitigation: Use professional language translation services.

4. Social Sharing

Feature Name: Social Sharing

Feature Description: An engaging feature that allows users to share their smart home setups and experiences on various social media platforms, fostering a sense of community and encouraging app promotion.

User Story: As a satisfied user, I want to share my smart home setup on social media so that I can recommend the app to friends and showcase my smart home innovations.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Integration with major social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).
  • Must allow sharing of screenshots and app-generated content.
  • Should include tracking of shared content for analytics purposes.

Priority: Low


  • APIs for social media platform integration.
  • Development of content-sharing features.
  • User data tracking and analytics.

Risks and Mitigations:

  • Risk: Privacy concerns with shared content. Mitigation: Implement clear user consent protocols.
  • Risk: Changes in social media APIs. Mitigation: Regularly update integration points.

Priority Level

High Priority

User Authentication: Given the premium on online security and user trust, this feature is non-negotiable in the MVP. It directly impacts user retention and confidence which are crucial for the app's success.

Device Integration: As a core feature, this is essential to delivering on the promise of a comprehensive smart home controlling platform. It directly correlates with the app’s unique value proposition and must be included in the MVP.

Medium Priority

Interface Personalization: While notable in enhancing the user experience, this feature is not crucial for the initial launch. It can be developed in subsequent iterations after essential features have been established and fine-tuned.

Low Priority

Social Sharing: As an enriching component of user engagement, social sharing can be deferred until the app has a firm footing in its user base. While it offers value, it’s not critical for the MVP.

RoI Analysis:

User Authentication: High RoI as it lays the foundation of user trust and satisfaction, significant for long-term user retention and growth.

Device Integration: High RoI due to its direct correlation with the app’s core utility and unique value proposition. This feature is a primary driver for user acquisition and engagement.

Interface Personalization: Medium RoI since personalized experiences significantly boost user satisfaction and reduce churn rates in later stages.

Social Sharing: Low to Medium RoI focusing on user engagement and organic user acquisition through word-of-mouth, it becomes more valuable as user base grows.


Understanding dependencies is vital for efficient project management. Addressing them ensures that feature development proceeds smoothly without unforeseen interruptions.

User Authentication:

  • Integration with biometric authentication APIs.
  • Support for fallback PIN authentication.
  • User data encryption modules.

Device Integration:

  • Partnerships with smart home device manufacturers.
  • APIs and SDKs for third-party device integration.
  • Real-time data handling capabilities.

Interface Personalization:

  • Development of customizable UI components.
  • Multi-language support and localization services.
  • User preference data management.

Social Sharing:

  • APIs for social media platform integration.
  • Development of content-sharing features.
  • User data tracking and analytics.

Have ChatPRD generate a perfect MVP Feature List for you

ChatPRD is a no-code AI tool that can generate product requirements documents, user stories, and more. Use this template with ChatPRD to create your own MVP Feature List in minutes.

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